Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Welcomes for 2008

Hi, gang:

Welcome to part two of the 07-08 season of Cantus. We now take some time to catch you up on lots of Cantus news and happenings!

Our self-titled release this season was just named one of the top ten for 2007 on NPR!

We also welcome tenor Eric Hopkins to the ensemble. He joins us after a number of years with Dale Warland, and lots of singing in the Twin cities. A quick study, Eric prepared our touring program (about two hours of music) with only two weeks of rehearsal--a large feat! We are very excited to have him along on our travels.

Cantus now has videos up on YouTube! Just visit:

The biggest news for the group this month is that our very own bass, Tom McNichols, is heading to the Met in New York City in February, after winning the Metropolitan Opera National Council Minnesota District and Upper Midwest Regionals! He'll complete against young singers from all over the country for a shot at cash prizes, national exposure with a live radio broadcast, and a spot with the Met's young artist program. Good Luck, Tom-- We're all rooting for you!

As for touring, we headed out to southern California for a couple of shows, trading the frigid land of Minnesota
for a balmy (though chilly by San Diego standards) 55 degrees at La Jolla's St. James by the Sea Series! We performed a memorial concert and gave an education opportunity at Bishop's School the next morning, where the choir was getting ready to compete with a Keith Hampton arrangement from Anton Armstrong's choral series, and Eric Whitacre's Lux Aurumque--both familiar territory for Cantus, so it was a fun and easy clinic to give.

We then headed up to UC-Riverside to do a show for a small but very warm audience despite a pretty chilly night. Special thanks to Denise, Melanie, and all the staff there, who were wonderful hosts! After the show we found that Riverside rolls up its sidewalks pretty early, though to be fair our show was on a Tuesday night. A few of us tried to go out after the show for a bite, but nothing was really open after some, lose some, I guess. Couldn't really stay out late anyway, since we had an early departure to get back to LAX in the morning.

Well, we've got some time at home now, doing some strategic planning for the group during February, then we head back out again mid-month. We'll be in touch again soon!